July 2020
Peace with the weeds
i’ve made peace with the weeds. they say the last stage of grief is acceptance. i have acceptance with my yard and its’ weeds. the all grass, green, manicured patch in the backyard, under the magnificent shade of a variety of trees has evolved with what is “natural” with 32 inches of rain and shade,
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Doing nothing, nothing doing
sitting here, expressively doing nothing no hearing aids in, so there is a big silence, anything the wind brings echoes off in a distance. eyes closed, bits of sunlight flutter in multitudes of openings between thousands of leaves, fluorescent green, summer, Big Leaf Maple leaves, on the inside of my closed lids, the leaf shadows
Doing nothing, nothing doing Read More »
Remembering our art outing
4 years ago (2016), I went to this fabulous show with two close friends, ending the day at Paradise Cove with summer refreshment. Today I am reminded that both Frank and Jean have left this earthly plane, but the memories of our escapades remain. Frank in one of his art discussions, at Pepperdine. David Leffel
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backyard fireworks
human freedom,not some story told, of old,but here nowour ever changing communitynot tolerated, but impassioned realityour cooperative rising upof strong love and compassion,that star reaches,that vibration is the dream,this story we tellwe are still creating.
backyard fireworks Read More »
Kelly got 40
(hip hop rythyming) Kelly younger self trends, Kelly love her fur friends white wicker room with her white rat on shoulder pet, up on the high shelf, the Peter Rabbit book collection and tea set, Kelly love the hairy sheep dog, thinks she’ll be a vet Kelly got the true friends, no love for the
fertility godess
in this dream…i was the fertility godess for all things, i was the holder and waterer of the seed. spiritual love, with intention, included the body becoming energy through motion and the senses generating vibrations. i could feel color and levels of heat surge through me. very warm feeling, and woke with a smell of