Let your vote become a prayer

Jack Kornfield
Dear heart friends,
As a citizen, a grandfather, an elder, a spiritual guide, a writer, and a mentor, I write you a heartfelt message.
This is a painfully divided and polarized time. Do not be discouraged. Vote.
With a meditative reflection, an encouraging spirit, and a bow, I have just cast my vote for Kamala Harris. You, too, must take time to consider your own vote and the importance of this Tuesday’s election. And as Bodhisattvas who seek to reduce suffering and promote goodwill, make your own best decision.
Please vote. Let your vote become a prayer. Encourage anyone you know who might think it’s not worthwhile to vote to stand up and add their voice, their care, and their heart. We need all hands together in this time.
The issues before us as a nation and as humans ask for our mindful loving awareness, our best intention, and our courage.
A wise society is possible.
Let us all participate in its creation. Please join in.
With blessings and metta,
#spirituality #vote #voting #mindfulness #meditation #prayer #jackkornfield #lovingawareness #compassion #awareness #wisdom #wisdomquotes #spiritualquotes #meditatedaily #yoga #yogi #understanding #love #metta #lovingkindness
