Guardian…real news

This is so true. The Guardian is a great news source, and from my time in web development their technical web development team was also top notch. I invariably scan their news, but as of today I’m a supporter. Just really tired of the poor news slant and sensational headlines in the old standards- here’s looking at you NYTimes and WaPo.

Rebecca Solnit

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We talk a lot about what’s wrong with the US media. Everyone here has access to a better option, the UK-based Guardian, which has neither the timidities nor the right-leaning pretenses of neutrality that manifest as bothsidesism–softening coverage of the right while slamming the Democrats and the left in order to create an illusion of balance in an unbalanced reality. It stands proudly on its 203-year progressive history., and I’m proud to write for it. Best climate newspaper around, solid coverage of global news, and by the way no paywall though if you read it regularly you should donate.

Tom Nichols last month on US press problems: “The real double-standard problem is not about coverage, but about interpretation. This is not “bias” in the political sense. It is, as Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg put it, a bias toward coherence, the inability to accept—and say—that one of the presidential campaigns is completely bonkers. “Trump overwhelms us with nonsense,” Jeff notes, and so, when confronted with Trump’s obvious mental instability, we work backwards: “Trump sounds nuts, but he can’t be nuts, because he’s the presumptive nominee for president of a major party, and no major party would nominate someone who is nuts.” he result of this bias is that the press too often continues to present what should be appalling, even horrifying information as if it is just part of the normal give-and-take of a political campaign: Trump goes to Las Vegas and rants about sharks, and the press, likely trying to appear unbiased, instead pulls out a dull nugget about Trump’s mention of not taxing tips. Trump vows to destroy the American civil service, and the headlines talk about his “plans to increase presidential power.” Why? Because it is not in the American journalistic tradition to say: Today in Las Vegas, one of the two major candidates said things so rabidly toxic and incoherent that they raised doubts about his sanity.”

I give you a newspaper that can keep you fully informed without the biases of the American journalistic tradition.

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