Today, I had help feeding the duck families at Turtle Pond, from my half full baggie of cracked corn. A young mother stopped by the viewing bench, where I sat, with her young children.
Her young son, of eight or nine, and a younger still daughter, were frozen with excitement watching me dispense with the corn kernels, and the ducks close chatter within inches of our feet as they pecked and gobbled in response.
So I let them feed the rest of the food I had brought. They took turns flinging the corn bits from their tiny hands with huge smiles. Their mother thanked me for letting them experience this.
I thanked them for helping me.
The ducks quacked in delight, then returned to the water, waddling one by one, all twenty three of them in succession.
Two dragon flies circled near us, seemingly playing some form of dragonfly tag on a slight breeze. In a simmering summer day, and I walked away, knowing for a moment that everything was right with the world.