this hits home, as i light a candle each evening. i started this tradition to pray for a few people that i knew would need my prayer, then to the few that i didn't know but i heard would need my prayer, and soon i realized just how many people known or unknown needed my prayer, so now i light the candle for all of us, because at some point all of us need a prayer.
Traveler On the Backroads 13 March 2022 · MY GRANDMOTHER ONCE TOLD ME that each of us has a candle inside us just bursting to come out and light up the room. "Just imagine," she told me, "if everyone's candle burst out at the same time! " . I TRIED TO WRAP my mind around the idea that there was a candle inside me, a lit candle ... "Oh, what a wonderful day that would be!!!" she said. . "Why grandma?" . "Why? ... because there'd be no more darkness, no more sorrow, no more suffering, no more violence, no more killing ... the world would be bathed in light and happiness and joy and love ... " . I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT for a bit. How difficult it might be to get everybody's light to shine at once. I told grandma that. . SHE CHUCKLED, then said: "You just make sure your light is shinin' bright ... " . AND FOR many decades now, I've been tryin' ... . I've been tryin', grandma ... I've been tryin' ... 🌺🌸💓 . ~ author Michael Traveler, author/poet