Sand Mandala Anniversary
“a sand mandala is meant to create a profound experience of compassion for any who attend. The positive effects of a sand mandala construction are believed to radiate out over the entire region, blessing the environment and the beings therein, in an effort for world peace.” It seems fitting reminder that today is 1 yr.
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Remembering our art outing
4 years ago (2016), I went to this fabulous show with two close friends, ending the day at Paradise Cove with summer refreshment. Today I am reminded that both Frank and Jean have left this earthly plane, but the memories of our escapades remain. Frank in one of his art discussions, at Pepperdine. David Leffel
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Artist Wisdoms
Banksy said art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortableCezanne said we live in a rainbow of chaosKlee said a single day is enough to make us a little largerModigliani said it is your duty in life to save your dreamRenoir said it is after you have lost your teeth you can afford to
“ Pisces seeks a love that sweeps you off your feet and whisks you away to a magical world.”alwayswaitingwith telepathy…so, when she finally got enough nerve up to talk to him, in the school cafeteria. It was all rather normal and mundane, on the outside. Although she had practiced ad infinitum, in her head, some
Gemini was standing behind a table display, at the edge of the beachcalling out with compelling confidence and gestures as if he owned that vast spacemeeting all he did not already know, with his open, approachable, friendly smileasking to join him in a sip of teathe tea was coolrefreshing during a walk on Isla Verde