street lost
in the middle of rain laden days the clouds blew over in magnificent volume, while allowing a warm June sun to shine through. allowing for enjoyable walk after a quiet ride up on Caltrain, to the northern end of the line, 20 minutes spent reading the various transportation signage, getting bearings with the pace of
looking for miracles Read More »
I make about 10 cups of granola at a time. As Mark Bittman says “It’s so easy, and healthy” and you can personalize it each time. You basically toast all the grains and oats then add in the dried fruits (i generally add in chopped crystallized ginger and golden raisins). This week i added dried
Latest batch of Granola Read More »
Getting stuffed at Diddy Reese (ice cream sandwich) on Broxton, with @asuh and @pixelfuture. on the way home from #dcla, full…of ideas and yummy