Good Looking Data
Important information as great data visualization From Information is Beautiful
had a wonderful time walking around Long beach after an intense time at JSsaturday. Then, later that night, something invaded my dreams. Nothing about the end of a great javascript learning day. Something about “how technical and abstracted this field is becoming, and how tough it is to keep up”. It’s true, it isn’t easy
Two fun visual playgrounds to help understand the advanced usage of nth-child: for a great explanation of how it works, start with Chris Coyiers article where Chris has his own visual tester linked at the end of the article. But of course, IE is late to the game on this, with no
Playing with :nth children Read More »
On hasty advice, seeing respond.js removed from html5boilerplate i removed it from the head of my docs on my current projects. I did that on a day with 20 other things, and moved on. It wasn’t till a week later, that i had finished a section of layout for a current project UI, and it
2 steps forward, one back Read More »
two years ago, i started with html5 in it’s very alpha stages, just updating my structural patterns to html5 and adding a few new form field attributes that would default to current text fields in browsers that do not understand them. at this point html5 boilerplate did not yet exist, and i was reading bits
Responsive Web Design Read More »
Perhaps you’ve just gotten to the point that you realize a need for an online presence and a place to host all those code experiments running around your head.Here is some of my week-end reading that you might consider for your new online presence. The books pictured are part of the growing library from A
Week-ends’ reading Read More »
We all know there may be numerous tools for any job. Time permits, perhaps a cursory glance, before going with one tool. In a team environment the decision to go in one direction, with a tool or framework will set the path for years. Recently, i have been reconsidering the process surrounding the gzip, CSS/js