Small rant: I’m glad people are leaving the twitter sphere and supporting better, more ethical software and group publishing efforts, but…in the last week alone, 5 people who I enjoy reading and have donated to periodically over the years, have all moved to substack and a paid model of readership. If I follow 50 people with various interests and they all move to a paid model, I can’t possibly afford to listen to all their voices on a retirement income. It makes me think the substack silos are going to cut a lot of people off from information, versus the Mastadon model where many voices are present. This shift includes the political arena, the spiritual arena, the arts arena, and many others.
I also notice more and more sites are charging. Do a Google search on a topic and click on the link for an article and you have to pay or at least give them an email address to read it. Makes research expensive and/or difficult. Capitalist greed is undoing the open forum that was once the World Wide Web.
Rich Seeley ha, even the mighty NYT, I have a subscription to “this publisher” but now that won’t even include recipes, games, wirecutter, and something else I’m forgetting now. All those things are considered “extras”