Day Twenty Nine

Day Twenty Nine

It is only 10:50, I’ve barely finished wordle and meditation and readied for a walk, yet…
The voices are already busy

Professor of English at Concordia University

Comment from: Rebecca Solnit
Man Ray on sequoias: “They are the oldest living things in nature, going back to Egyptian antiquity, their warm-colored, tender bark seems soft as flesh. Their silence is more eloquent than the roaring torrents and Niagaras, than the reverberating thunder in Grand Canyon, than the bursting of bombs; and is without menace. The gossiping leaves of the sequoias, one hundred yards above one’s head, are too far away to be heard. I recalled a stroll in the Luxembourg Gardens during the first months of the outbreak of war, stopping under an old chestnut tree that had probably survived the French Revolution, a mere pygmy, wishing I could be transformed into a tree until peace came again.”
