Lost in memories on a crooked path

one of the nicest things
someone could say to you is “I often wondered, what became of you”
and to say that after a lifetime gap of 55 years.

after all we have spawned, rooted, and accomplished,
that we get to lay down
these delicate bones in each darkness
and rise again with a new breathe
to this awakening morning, under this sun
that is revealed anew,
with a still open heart…
despite the failures, disillusionment, pitfalls and pain,
the ceaseless injustices and dead-ended
wanderings from our path

and to feel that we are
where we should be
staring through what reflected light our eyes can see
listening in silence
sitting in stillness
with seconds of connection
within the memory of a warm kiss
under a street light
during a snow storm
55 years ago
