someone i knew intimately, over 30 years ago, asked in my presence (in a manner that doesn't preclude an answer) asked out loud, while almost to himself, during a passing conversation... "what were we thinking?" in reference to our youth, the music, the dancing, the art, the dreams, living in the moment, the free spirit, the zen... i shrugged my shoulders at the time, which is my way of saying "i'll get back to you on that" i've had that question come back to me periodically, i've thought about it, rolled it around, listened to a few notes in between, dancing through a number of them, fled from others. and what i can report in reference to our youth, the music, the dancing, the art, the dreams, living in the moment, the free spirit, the zen they are still as important as they were then, they are our most immediate, un-filtered, sometimes failing, mostly learning, and intimate forms of communicating. they go beyond words and light our soul.