Kiwi berries
First taste of kiwi berries!
I can’t believe that in a country stripping women of their rights, there are still men who think it’s HILARIOUS to make fun of women’s “issues”…
Praying for peace Rob Brezsny 2 September 2024 Scene from Tel Aviv: Huge protests against the Netanyahu regime, with a general strike and blockades to follow.
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Things are changing,Although the sun warmsthe narrow band of exposed skinBetween hair bottom and shirt neck,The wind is twirling leaves onThe loose branches of all the trees,And I can hear the dance music of fall,The coyote scat along the trail is full of snowberry seeds,As they are the only berry still in bloom,Even the wild
Things are changing Read More »
NEW: More than 200 former aides to the three GOP presidential nominees of George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Mitt Romney — endorsed Vice President Harris on Monday. “Of course, we have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That’s to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable,”