it’s a happening

I just watched the latest video from improveverywhere with the twins on the train. which of course piqued my enthusiasm enough to then watch the no-pants day (and in January in New York City, at that). It made me remember college days in Tampa, Florida at USF. Between friends in the art department, dance department, […]

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Fresh Veggies

As hot as it’s been this year, a few tomato plants have survived to the picking phase. Remember way back in March (it was hot then also, this year) trudging over to The Hayvenhurst vegetable stand for the yearly Tomatomania event and picking out a few heirloom plants. Picked up two Classico VFFNA (D) –

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Lingering Spring

Probably one of the last cool days. One of those rare late spring (well, it’s officially summer now) reprieves from the heat. The evening sun sets late enough that it is still light on returning home from work (a rarity lately). The windows and doors are all open, letting the cats out to chase the

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June heat wave

let’s see, i awoke and opened the back door on an outside world that was early-morning cooler than the inside (finally). Quita and Baby Dirt, were able to frolick in the grass for awhile (as is their early morning routine). The flowers, vegetables and fruit trees have received todays’ share of liquid nourishment (a good

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