I need you to hear me…
I need you to hear me… Read More »
“Don’t change horses mid-stream” We are way past the time to be arguing whether Biden should run. We are voting to continue with the “somewhat flawed” but “continuously moving forward” form of democracy we have. we are voting for the hard earned rights for women, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ communities. We are voting for fair wages,
“Don’t change horses mid-stream” Read More »
“Under Trump leadership, the country lurched from one crisis to the next” Read the Times gift article in the comment
First term is a warning Read More »
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle There is much in our daily lives that is ritualized habit, much that becomes ceremony only.What differentiates ceremony and “habitual addiction” from enriching purposeful habits is conscious intention.I am love, joy, creativity, and resilience in supporting others in
Robyn Gordon 18 July It is a serious thingjust to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world. – Mary Oliver, Invitation
This morning I realized that I am in a period that was called by the Spanish mystic and poet St. John of the Cross the “dark night of the soul”. It’s a period of purification by trial. I have been dealing with losses of family members, by death or betrayal, a fractured foot, and am
Today, I had help feeding the duck families at Turtle Pond, from my half full baggie of cracked corn. A young mother stopped by the viewing bench, where I sat, with her young children. Her young son, of eight or nine, and a younger still daughter, were frozen with excitement watching me dispense with the