the voices

I am in a forest of voices, languages and cultures, 
TM reminds me i am, consciousness starts with me;
Dalai Lama reminds me all is love and compassion;
Deepak Chopra reminds me i am, i am not, i actualize this universe;
Tara Drupchen and HE Khenpo Choga Rinpoche remind me to rejoice in body, in voice, in positivity
Deva Premal & Miten remind me of the power of the sound vibrations,
of many mantras in my chakras;
Jay Shetty reminds me where attention goes energy flows;
Romarishi Siddha reminds me that the teacher comes when you are ready,
and sometimes one teacher leads to another;
Camas Meditation Sangha reminds me that i sit here in an ever widening
sangha of the universe seeking equanimity, and then come back to this body;
Fletcher reminds me to return to myself, that i walk with every being
that has brushed with my path, some i walk with in clouds;
i am in a forest of voices
the wind rattles the higher branches,
i am still, on the ground,
light filters through,
the voices merge
worlds within worlds
