
Took the words right out of my mouth.

Dave Lott on Facebook

18 December 2022


There are two thoughts about loving that I aspire to live up to and embrace. The first comes from my earliest relationship with Julia who told me once that she still loves all the people she has ever loved in her life – she never did qualify that by saying that the love changed in its expression and the ways it touched her life, though I’m sure it did. Each one of a thousand loves wears a different face over time.

To me that is a way of understanding all the threads in our life that connect us with those we have encountered, some briefly and others many times through the years. The depth and intensity and its impact on us is not solely measured by the length of time spent with them.

The second thought is one that I challenge myself with whenever I consider those who are loved by the people that I love. We are born with an unlimited capacity to love. My love for others doesn’t diminish or detract from anyone else, nor does someone’s love for another diminish their love for me.

Just as inhaling deeply helps expand our lungs’ capacity for breath, when we love someone deeply it only expands our ability to love others. It’s only ego, fear and the myth of scarcity that prevents us from taking this to heart.
